Call for Papers

We invite submissions of the latest research results concerning applications and theory of computational argumentation to the 8th Workshop on Advances In Argumentation In Artificial Intelligence (AI³ 2024) that is a track of the 23rd International Conference of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence (AIxIA 2024).

Topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Explainable AI with Argumentation
  • Persuasion systems
  • Formal, semi-formal and informal models for argumentation
  • Properties and evaluation of formal models of argumentation
  • Computational properties of argumentation
  • Traditional and ranking-based semantics
  • Instantiations of abstract argumentation frameworks
  • Implementation of argumentation systems
  • Relationships amongst different argumentation frameworks
  • Philosophical theories of argumentation
  • Argument mining
  • Argumentation in agent and multi-agent systems
  • Dialogue based on argumentation
  • Strategies in argumentation
  • Decision making based on argumentation
  • Argumentation-based negotiation
  • Argumentation, trust and reputation
  • Argumentation for coordination and coalition formation
  • Argumentation and other Artificial Intelligence techniques
  • Argumentation and game theory
  • Argumentation and probability
  • Argumentation and fuzzy-logic
  • Argumentation and narrative
  • Argumentation and computational linguistics
  • Argumentation and human-computer interaction
  • Reasoning about action and time with argumentation
  • Tools for supporting argumentation
  • Practical applications of formal models of argumentation
  • Systems for learning through argument
  • Argument-based machine learning
  • Validation and evaluation of applications of argumentation


The workshop invites three types of submissions:

  • Full papers (15 pages), possibly already submitted to other conferences or journals, and
  • Short papers (5 pages), which are particularly suitable for presenting work in progress, software prototypes, extended abstracts of doctoral theses, or general overviews of research projects.
  • Overviews of research projects (3 pages). Possibly moved to a poster session.

All papers will be peer-reviewed and final copies of papers for inclusion to the conference proceedings will be published on CEUR in the AI*IA Series (Scopus indexed).

Manuscripts should be formatted using the 1-column CEUR-ART Style. You can access the Overleaf template or download an offline version with the style files.

Papers must be submitted through Microsoft CMT at the link

Additional information

The conference and workshops will be held in person, with the possibility of arranging remote calls for specific participants upon request.

All attendees (and at least one author per accepted paper) should register to AIxIA 2024.